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Snore Paws: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Why Dogs Snore

Dog owners know that sharing a bed with their pooches has its ups and downs. Yes, it’s nice to snuggle up to your favorite furry friend… until you’re woken up by what sounds like a freight train in your ear. Some dogs are snorers, and certain breeds — such as brachycephalic dogs — are more prone to making noises in their sleep than others.


If dog snoring doesn’t bother you — or if you actually find it kind of adorable — then you won’t mind sharing your bed with the dog breeds in the photo gallery below. Though, no matter which breed of dog you have, you shouldn’t assume that all dog snoring is normal, as it could indicate a more serious health problem — even in breeds that are more likely to snore. So be sure to discuss this or any other breathing issues with your veterinarian. 



Some may consider the noises Pugs make in their sleep as snoring, but to many Pug lovers, those grunts and snorts are a unique lullaby. It’s all a matter of perspective, right? So how is a Toy dog who generally weighs less than 20 pounds capable of creating such a “symphony” of sounds in his slumber? His small, squished-in face is most likely to blame. The breed is prone to brachycephalic syndrome, a condition suffered by many flat-faced breeds, which can make breathing difficult.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier has a lot of things going for him: dapper looks, a typically friendly personality and an easy-care coat. But like many brachycephalic breeds, he can be prone to snoring. Thank goodness he's so cute! 



It’s a good thing the Bulldog is so handsome and lovable — he can be quite the snoring machine! He also has a squished-in face, which can make breathing a challenge.


Dogue de Bordeaux

His wrinkled, handsome face may turn heads, but some may turn up their noses at the Dogue de Bordeaux's loud snoring. But if you love the breed, his nighttime noises will fade into the background.

French Bulldog

The flat-faced Frenchie may be on the smaller side, but he can be capable of waking up the whole household with his sonorous snores. Don’t be surprised if you hear grunts, snorts and other odd noises coming from him, too.

Black Russian Terrier

If you want a quiet and clean dog, the Black Russian Terrier is probably not the best breed for you. During the day, you’ll need to wipe down his beard after he drinks (as well as any walls and furniture he’s splattered water on). At night, you may want to invest in earplugs. He can snore. Loudly.


The Pekingese tends to be attention getting, whether he’s awake or asleep! This Toy dog may come in a small package, but he can produce snores that are just a big as his typically bold personality.

Clumber Spaniel

Not only do Clumber Spaniels tend to shed and slobber, they’re also known for snoring. So if you’re an insomniac or light sleeper who keeps a clean and orderly house, the Clumber may not be the best choice for you.

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